Data Science & Analytics Courses
Want in on the fields revolutionizing modern business? Then check out these data science and analytics courses.
Data science and data analytics are two sides of the same coin. One uses data to understand the present, the other to model the future.
Being familiar with one is good. But using these data science and analytics courses to know both is the best way to ensure future success.
You’ll learn things like industry best practices and the most common tools. Plus, of course, important techniques like machine learning and regression analysis.
Countless organisations rely on this kind of analysis. Start today to begin your journey with big data!
Applied Finance in Python
Enhance your Python financial skills and learn how to manipulate data and make better data-driven decisions.
High-Dimensional Data Analysis
A focus on several techniques that are widely used in the analysis of high-dimensional data.
Data Science: R Basics
Build a foundation in R and learn how to wrangle, analyze, and visualize data.
Python Basics for Data Science
This Python course provides a beginner-friendly introduction to Python for Data Science. Practice through lab exercises, and you’ll be ready to create your first Python scripts on your own!
Digital Marketing Analytics
Learn to apply data analytics knowledge to enhance your marketing efforts, and earn an official digital certificate of completion from MIT Sloan.
Causal Diagrams: Draw Your Assumptions Before Your Conclusions
Learn simple graphical rules that allow you to use intuitive pictures to improve study design and data analysis for causal inference.
Making the Most of User Feedback: Spot Trends & Take Action with NPS
Learn how to gather quality feedback from your customers, how NPS is calcuated, and how to use the data to make informed business decisions.