Online Data Science Courses

Ever wondered how self-driving cars are made? Or how Amazon knows what products to recommend? With these online data science courses, you can find out.

From basic projects and tools to taking your first steps into data science as a career, these professional online courses will show you how data scientists analyse information to understand the present and model the future.

You’ll learn about exciting developments like the rise of machine learning, plus how to package up your insights for others to easily understand and act on.

Check out these online data science courses now to get started. Big data awaits!

University of Michigan on Coursera

Become a data science leader with a degree from the #1 public research university in the U.S.

Master's Degree
12 months
on Udacity

Learn to leverage the capabilities of deep learning tools to fix complex problems and unlock next-level results for enterprises.

Pro. Certificate
4 months

This course has been created to deepen an understanding of machine-learning methods from a data-driven perspective, ideal to propel a career in engineering or data science forwards through analysis and hands-on application.

Master's Degree
24 months

Generating an essential understanding of emerging technologies, this program aims to enable an organization’s optimal usage of data through analysis and application, greatly improving overall performance through practical and theoretical study.

Master's Degree
2 years
Harvard University Online Courses

Data Science: Linear Regression

Learn how to use R to implement linear regression, one of the most common statistical modeling approaches in data science.

Short Course
8 weeks

Learn probability theory — essential for a data scientist — using a case study on the financial crisis of 2007–2008.

Short Course
8 weeks

Learn to use R programming to apply linear models to analyze data in life sciences.

Short Course
4 weeks

A focus on several techniques that are widely used in the analysis of high-dimensional data.

Short Course
4 weeks
Harvard University Online Courses

Professional Certificate in Data Science

This program gives you useful skills to tackle real-world data analysis challenges, covering concepts like probability, inference, regression, and machine learning.

Pro. Certificate
17 months
IBM courses

IBM Data Science Professional Certificate

IBM on edX

Kickstart your career with an IBM data science certificate. Learn data science, Python & SQL, analyze & visualize data and build machine learning models.

Pro. Certificate
13 months
More courses
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