Freelance writing can be a fulfilling and lucrative career, but it can also be tough to break into. It can be difficult to know where to start and how to get your first gig.

But don’t worry! With a little bit of effort and determination, you can become a successful freelance writer.

Here are some steps you can take to start getting freelance writing jobs:

1. Build a writing portfolio

One of the first things you’ll need to do is build a writing portfolio. This is a collection of your writing samples that you can show to potential clients. Your writing portfolio should have different writing styles and formats, like blog posts, articles, and social media posts.

To build your writing portfolio, you can start by writing on your own blog or website. You can also create a LinkedIn profile and publish articles on LinkedIn. This will give you a place to show off your writing and show potential clients what you know.

2. Determine your niche

If you want to become a writer, it’s important to specialize in a particular area or niche. This will help you stand out from other writers and make it easier for potential clients to find you. Some popular niches for freelance writers include business, technology, healthcare, and personal finance.

To determine your freelance writing niche, think about what you are passionate about and what you have expertise in. If you have a background in a particular industry, that can be a good starting point for your niche.

3. Research potential clients

Once you have a writing portfolio and have determined your niche, it’s time to start looking for potential clients. There are many places you can find freelance writing jobs, including job boards, social media, and freelance marketplaces.

Some popular job boards for finding freelance writing jobs include Fiverr or Upwork. You can also search for potential clients on social media platforms like LinkedIn and Twitter. Many companies and publications post job openings on these platforms, so it’s worth following them to stay up-to-date on new opportunities.

4. Apply for freelance writing jobs

Once you have identified potential clients, it’s time to pitch your services to them. This means writing an email that describes your freelance writing experience and why you’re the best person for the job.

Your pitch should be professional and concise. Be sure to include your writing samples and any relevant experience you have. You can also include links to your writing portfolio and social media profiles to give potential clients a better sense of your work.

5. Negotiate rates and terms

Once you have secured your first of many freelance writing jobs, it’s important to negotiate fair rates and terms with your client. This can be intimidating for new writers, but it’s an important part of the process.

To determine a fair rate when being paid for writing, consider your level of experience and expertise, as well as the complexity of the project. You can also research rates for similar projects to get a sense of what is typical in your niche.

It’s also important to talk about things like deadlines, changes, and who owns the work. If you’re hoping to become a ghostwriter, then you won’t own the work, but you may at least be able to get a case study or testimonial.

Be sure to get these terms in writing to avoid any misunderstandings down the line.

6. Meet deadlines and deliver high-quality work

Once you’ve started the project, it’s important to deliver high-quality work on time. This means meeting deadlines and exceeding the expectations of your clients.

To ensure that you are meeting deadlines, it’s important to stay organized and manage your time effectively. This may involve setting aside specific blocks of time for writing, creating a to-do list, and using project management tools.

It’s also important to be responsive to your clients and open to feedback and revisions. This will help you build a reputation as a reliable and professional writer, and will ensure you get more freelance writing jobs in the future.

7. Build your network

As a freelance writer, it’s important to constantly be on the lookout for new freelance writing jobs. One way to do this is to build a network of contacts in your industry. This can include other writers, editors, and industry professionals.

You can build your network by attending writing conferences, joining writing groups or organizations, and participating in online writing communities. You can also connect with other writers and industry professionals on social media platforms like LinkedIn.

8. Keep learning and improving

The freelance writing business is always changing, so it’s important to know what the latest trends and best practices are. This means continuously learning and improving your writing skills.

You can do this by reading industry blogs and publications, attending writing workshops and conferences, and staying active in online writing communities. You can also consider taking online writing courses or earning a writing certification to demonstrate your expertise to potential clients.

If you’re looking to get into a specific writing niche, then there are plenty of tailored courses. For example, if you want to become a copywriter, we’ve compiled a list of the best online copywriting courses.

9. Be persistent and patient

Breaking into the world of freelance writing can be tough, and it may take time to get your first gig. But don’t let setbacks discourage you! It’s important to be persistent and keep putting yourself out there.

It’s also important to be patient and recognize that building a successful freelance writing career takes time. Keep working on improving your skills and building your network, and eventually, you will start to see your efforts pay off.


Freelance writing can be a rewarding and fulfilling career, but it does take time and effort to get started.

By building a writing portfolio, determining your niche, researching potential clients, pitching your services, negotiating rates and terms, delivering high-quality work, building your network, and continuously learning and improving, you can increase your chances of success at getting freelance writing jobs.

Don’t give up, and eventually, you will land your first gig and start building a successful freelance writing career.